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tv   Murder in Mexico Falcon Lake  CNN  July 6, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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and the help you've given us. you'll be here later speaking with john king. it's interesting, earlier we heard 60 people might be unaccounted for. now we're hearing from the mayor in the press conference all 307 people have been accounted for, and of course two deaths. that's it for me, john king is going to pick up coverage here in washington. >> thank you. i'm john king in washington. top of the hour now. 8:00 p.m. in san francisco. welcome to our viewers in the was around the world. let's update you on breaking news right now. as don noted two people confirmed dead after asiana flight 214 boeing 777 crash landed on the runway at san francisco international airport. you see the dramatic pictures there. that's what's left the huge plane. the tail ripped off. witnesses say the plane was landing then the back of the plane hit the ground, at the very edge of the runway. then the plane spun around. throwing aircraft parts and debris across the tarmac. >> it looked normal at first.
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it was taking the same ainge that they always come in, like this and wheels were down. and then i -- it was wrong, three, five seconds out i said -- i started calling to my fiancee, i said, this didn't look right, this doesn't look right. and the wheels, there were too low, too soon. so this is the runway. came in look this. and i was watching the wheels and it just hit like that and the whole thing collapsed immediately. in never had a chance. >> what followed impact, passengers able to escape the burning plane onnen natable emergency slides. after a stop off the runway, we heard from the san francisco fire chief, here's the latest numbers. 307 people were on board that flight. of those, 182 taken to area
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hospitals. 49 of those were seriously injured. some critically. and incredible 123 people were completely unscathed. are still in the airport terminal. as we mentioned, we also know two people now confirmed dead at this hour. the question still unanswered here, what happened in those final minutes, those final seconds that caused this plane to crash land after crossing the pacific from seoul? right now the crash scene is crawling with investigators. their job, find out the cause of the crash and to try to sift through clues to make sure it never happens again. dan simon is there live. what's the latest? >> reporter: we just got another brifing from the officials here at airport. and just to reiterate what you said, just a minute ago, john, is that everybody has been accounted for at this point. and the headline is, 49 people are in serious condition at hospitals, two people confirmed dead. but the mayor of san francisco, ed lee, also wanted to underscore that this could have
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been a lot worse. everybody has seen those incredible pictures. you look at that void yo and you say to yourself, it's amazing only two people died. and obviously, given the fact this plane traveled all the way from seoul, south korea, to san francisco, would suggest they were low on fuel, probably not a lot of fuel left in the plane. so perhaps that may have been a contributing factor in terms of why the fireball wasn't larger. but in any event, stand big here at the airport. we know that 123 passengers were able to get here to the terminal, talk to some of the folks from the airline, talk to some officials here at the terminal. apparently they have been allowed to leave. they can now go home or go to area hotels and figure out their travel plans prooem presumably tomorrow. the next press beefing tomorrow morning and also national transportation safety investigators from washington, d.c., will arrive sometime tone and then begin processing the
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scene again tomorrow morning. >> and, dan, one point, just a short couple of hours ago, there was greater concern that the local authorities one point thought there might be 60 people unaccounted for. i hear the fire chief there, that was essentially in the confusion, the fog of war, if you will after the crash, until people compared their notes? >> reporter: that's exactly right. it was a chaotic scene and didn't have the accounting quite right. obviously, that led to a range of emotions here at the airport. obviously one point you thought that there might be as many as 60 feared dead if you will when they said you had that many people unaccounted for. but then in next hour they correct themselves and said, no, we're talking about one person and then we just found out now everybody accounted for at this point. >> dan simon on the scene. you have to pay tribute to the crew, first responders who responded so quickly. dan, we'll check back with you in hours ahead.
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one of the passengers on that flight that crashed into san francisco, said the scene was chaos. he's okay. so remarkably are his friends and family members. listen as he describes frightening moments as the plane came down. >> like ten seconds away from being home and it seemed like we were a little bit high and like we could see the tarmac down below us. so we're coming down kind of sharp and then right when it started to coast like to the landing all of a sudden the engine was off, like you sped up, like the pilot knew he was short, and just the back end just hit and flies up in the air and everybody's head goes up to the ceiling and it kind of drifts for a little bit, a good 300 yards and then tips observe, fire starts, everybody's pushing the doors out. i'd say probably 50 to 75 people that were kind of like on stretchers had neck braces and stuff, fibe we saw just
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terrible, like you know, bad, bad news. those are the flight attendants that got dropped out the back, the back got the worst of it. that's what opened up where the flight attendants sit. and then we kind of fish tailed for another 300 yards, finally rolled over, fire started and that's when all of the passengers jumped out. >> if you look at those pictures of the 370 passengers and crew, half taken to hospitalser including 49 in serious condition. some of the host serious cases including ten people who were in critical condition went to san francisco general hospital. the hospital set up tens to deal with influx of patients. a quote spontaneous wave of off-duty staffers showed up to help, doctors, nurses, social workers and translators. kyung lah, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, the latest
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they have received in the last hour or so, john, the last wave of patients. they don't believe there arefully more patients coming in here. the good news is that the last wave of 18 patients is the healthiest batch they've seen. they've seen a total of 52 people arrive here at this hospital. it was an enormous amount of people injuries treated here in those early hour. even set up tents outside right outside the ambulance area. and what they were trying to do, try to separate these patients, figure out exactly what they're injuries were. according to the hospital, head of the e.r., some of the worst injuries were some of the internal injuries as well as smoke inhalation and spinal injuries consistent with a hard landing, like a head hitting the top of a ceiling. those are some of the big things they were worried about. about f. there is good news the last wave of patients certainly the healthiest bunch, we are seeing some patients leave here. and i saw two women who were
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just running past and they, john, still looked quite dazed. think looked stunned. and certainly you can understand when you look at exactly what they survived. john? >> and i was watching the hospital spokeswoman speak, she seemed shock. yes, they have patients in critical condition, yes, still operating at a high pace at the trauma center, given within you look at images of the plane, she seemed shock her day wasn't worse. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. because if you look at the damage on that plane, granted, a lot of the passengers were able to leave before the worst of the fire, yeah, they were expecting more patients here. they were prepared for boston marathon-level types of injuries. that's what they were telling us, is that they were triaging and running to the drills in the same way that the hospitals in boston were prepared for those types of injuries. that's what they were expect when they heard a plane with 300
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people aboard hcrashed at san francisco airport. they were expecting it. they are very, very grateful there aren't any worse injuries. >> kyung lah, on the scene for us at san francisco general. we should note 128 people taken to hospitals. we'll track conditions in hours ahead on our coverage of the crash continues. incredible pictures of the plane's tail sitting in pieces on the runway. we'll talk to an expert familiar with the boeing 777 about what happened next. ♪ take me into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes.
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8:11 pm
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the eyewitness accounts tell the story here, helping us understand what may have gone wrong in moimts just before the asiana flight burst into flames. mike murphy describes what he saw. >> something happened before it hit. i didn't see or hear it but it caught the other fishermen's attention. and they all looked down. but what i saw was it was coming in to land at the last minute you could see the front end pop up and then slam down. and then it went from there and eventually became the big explosion. >> just to recap, following the laft developments in the deadly crash landing at san francisco international airport. two people confirmed dead, more than 100 others hurt. after something enwent horribly wrong as asiana 214 crashed down. spun around, burst into flames. take a listen to how the passenger described horrifying moments. >> the moment it turns the runway there was banging.
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we know something has gone wrong, something terrible as ever. it difficult. you know, your instincts take over you don't know what's going on. >> was it loud? was it screaming. >> yeah, the moment it touched the runway it was pretty loud. >> todd curtis former boeing engineer. start with the plane, the boeing 777, when you look at pictures and see where it hit, just at the edge of the runway, close to the water, what does it tell you? >> it tell me, if nothing else the approach was more shallow than should have been. they landed or the touchdown point was far short of where they intended. it should have never come even close to hitting the seawall at the edge of the runway like that. >> at that point, number one, how fast is a plane typically traveling? and, number two, we get used to technology on planes, is the computer flying the plane or the pilot flying the plane? >> typically the pilot is hand
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flying the plane at final approach there. this is a day where it was a good weather day. they didn't have to have a full auto system in place. and even when you have a lot of automated systems, right at point of touchdown or before touchdown you're going have pilots under positive control of the aircraft. as far as why it hit the way it did or how fast it was, it depends on the weight of the aircraft and other factors. and again, this is something that has to be discovered through the cockpit voice recorder, how fast this aircraft was going, both horizontally along the ground and vertical speed, that may be the critical factor that made it land so short. >> when you look at those pictures, you see it lost its tail. the fuselage pretty much intact except damage caused by the fire. what does that tell you about impact and initial damage, anyway? >> well, the impact, the initial impact was strong enough to basically cause both horizontal
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stabilizers and the vertical fin to come off the aircraft. this was major, major structural damage which made it difficult to control the aircraft. also if you look closely toward the end of the fuselage you see what seems to be a tear in a bunch of metal. that's the aft pressure bulkhead so you had serious structural damage within the rear part of the fuselage as well. >> once the rear fin goes and the horizontal stabilizer goes, does the pilot have any control of the plane. >> some control of the plane. but the dynamics of the aircraft in that situation far din from what you see during a normal landing. i'd like to emphasize one thing we're not quite sure of, because the investigators haven't gotten there, is what was the vertical speed of the aircraft at touchdown. as we saw, landing gear and engines separated from the aircraft. it could have been the vertical speed was so great that the energy when it hit the ground was so great you had major portions of the aircraft, like
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the landing gear, coming off after touchdown. >> if you're one of the investigators and making your list now of questions you want answered what are the top two or three? >> well, top two or three, what is the statement or what are the statements from the two pilots flying the aircraft because of course we have all sorts of information from the black boxes. but the state of mind of the pilot, why they made the decisions they did prior to landing is something that would be very important to know. also, from outward appearances until the end of the flight it looked as though the flight were normal. one question i would like to ask, was there anything going on in the minutes or the hours leading up to landing where you were taking off your usual schedule, doing things not on the check list, not following procedures? anything out of place or out of the ordinary prior to landing? >> anything in the history of the aircraft that would be on the list? the questions you asked involve
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human behavior. is there anything in the history of the aircraft that you would be looking for? >> well, absolutely. not only would i look at that particular aircraft, i'd like at all other 777s in the fleet of the airline and further beyond that, i would look to the record of the 777s as a whole, perhaps the boeing engineering organization. is there something in the history of the almost 20 year of the plane being in service where there's something in the pattern of how the airplane lands that would give the investigators some sort of clue as what unique thing may have been happening prior to touchdown. >> todd curtis, appreciate your insights. waiting the head of the national transportation safety board on her way with the first crew of investigators. appreciate your expertise. we'll keep in up to. our special coverage of the crash landing of asiana flight 214 continues. first responders, look at that rushing out on the tarmac, injured carried away on stretchers. we'll talk to dr. gail saltz
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about the trauma of surviving a plane crash, next. let's play: [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. vo: i've always thought the best part about this country is that we get to create our future. you get to take ownership of the choices you make. the person you become. i've been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. the ones getting involved and staying engaged.
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looking at new, live pictures of the plane crash scene in san francisco courtesy of kron. break news, as asiana flight 214 came in for a land, right there san francisco international, something terribly went wrong. the tail of the plane you're
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looking at clipped the edge of the runway, the plane spun around, belly sliding along the tarmac, before bursting into flames. there were a total of 307 people on board the plane you're looking at. two of them this evening confirmed dead. 123 people on board weren't injured at all. another 132 had just minor or moderate injuries. not all injuries are physical, some are emotional, can do harm after the accident and can affect family and friends as well. eunice told us how she watched the scene unfold waiting for her father who was on the plane. >> it was horrifying. every daughter's nightmare. my father's flying for 30 years. i've been flying every day of my life, since i was a little girl you know daddy, it's just never going to happen. and just being -- seeing the wreckage from my balcony was very difficult. i could see medics and everything but i didn't know what was going on and i didn't know how to get there.
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watching it from my home was, you know, very sad and very scary. >> happy to report eunice has been reunited with her father. want to bring in dr. gail saltz. she joins me on the phone. dr., let me it'll you this, i want to start with people who walked away, unscathed. do they go on with their lives or do they need to ask themselves questions about trauma they may have suffered they're not aware of? >> i think it will depend on the individual. probably many of them will actually be quite okay. initially they may have what's called acute stress reaction, which would be pretty typical for somebody through a harrowing experience to have feelings of nervousness, intrusive thoughts about the event for the next couple of weeks, and maybe even reticence or discomfort about the idea of flying. but most of those people will really recover and be quite fine. but as you brought up, john,
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those that particularly may have had trauma in the past may be at greater risk for going on to develop what we all know to be posttraumatic stress disorder meaning down the road they have feelings of anxiety, avoidance of anything that remains them of the event, intrusive sleep, being startled or jittery. we done flow which ones will go on to develop that but should your symptoms persist, i would recommend that those people do seek out professional guidance and you know get treatment. >> and some symptoms, i assume, would be quite obvious. what are the not so obvious symptoms that maybe whether it was a passenger on the plane or family member who from a few days or week from now should be looking for that might not be obvious to them? >> find for instance having difficulty sleeping, becoming
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socially withdrawn at all, if you know many of the people may need to fly again for business purposes, for family purposes, and if they just find that they keep coming up with reasons why, they shouldn't do that. or they don't need to do that. if they're avoiding it. any kind of symptom, honestly, of anxiety or depression can be a sign that you're evolving into something. but as i said, most people will not. now, there are a lot of people who do have a fear of flying. it's a very common phobia. and anybody who is watching quite honestly may find they have an increase in their fear just seeing something like this go on watching it on the news. and it's very hard for those people to keep in mind the fact that flying is actually probably the most safe form of travel, though in that sense it's an irrational fear because, frankly being in a car is you're much more likely to have an accident. so if you are really avoiding
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flying or you feel you have to drink a lot of alcohol to be on a flight, then you should know that there are great treatments available for flying phobias and you should really inquire about that. >> dr. gail saltz, appreciate it. thank you. coming up, you've seen pieces of the plane on the tarmac. now we want to show you this. we'll explain just what you're looking at in just a moment.
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i'm john king in washington. welcome viewers in the was around the world. pictures tell you it's a dramatic day. the very latest. the layest developments in the crash of asiana flight 214 at san francisco international airport. at least two people are dead. more than 100 others hurt. some critically. after something went horribly wrong. asiana flight 214 touched down. take a listen to this passenger describe the horror on pord. >> seemed like we were a little bit high and like we could see the tarmac down below us and so we're coming down kind of sharp and then right when it started to coast, like for the landing, all of a sudden the engine was
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off, like you sped up all time, like the pilot knew he was short and boom, the back end just hit and flies up in the air and everybody's head goes up to the ceiling, and then it kind of drifts for a little bit for a good 300 yards and then tips observe, fire starts, everybody's pushing doors out. >> break down the latest numbers here. 307 people aboard the flight, of those 182 taken to hospitals. 49 of those seriously injured. some critically. incredible 123 people completely unscathed. as we plengmentioned two confir dead. look here, cnn's rene marsh looks at what the trail of debris can show us about the deadly crash. >> we have partially re-created the crash scene based on what we have been able to see in the pictures and the video so far. so, follow me from the left side of your screen to the right. on the far left you can see
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debris in the water and a deb brie trail where the land meets the water. in the same vicinity the wheels of the plane and the tip of the tail. shift your eyes to the right a little and that's where the vertical stabilizer fell and this is what is the vertical stabilizer, this part of the tail. to the right of that is the horizontal stabilizers, and that's this second of the tail here. and when you look to the right of all of that you can see the landing gear. and then shift your eyes to the far right and that is where the fuselage ended up. now this is what the ntsb investigators are going to be looking at. they're going to look how close these parts are together in relation to each other, which part came off first, which part came off second, and really no detail will be too small in trying to piece this whole thing together. also, really crucial is going to be that data recording box as well as the voice recording box. those hold crucial information
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that will need to be analyzed. rene marsh, cnn, washington. >> on the scene for us, shortly after this happened, dan simon at san francisco international airport. dan what are you hearing now? >> reporter: i can tell you that the patients are being treated, scattered across nine different bay area hospitals, 49 of them are said to be in serious condition. i want to touch now, john, on who is on board that plane. the majority of the passengers were chinese, followed by folks of cokorean dissent and 61 u.s. citizens on board a host of different nationalities. the ntsb has a crew on its way to san francisco. they're scheduled to arrive approximately at midnight. then they're going to obviously come through the scene tomorrow. at this point obviously a lot of different theorys in terms why the plane went down but we don't
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want to speculate. but when you hear some of the witnesses, within you talk to some of the experts, what they are saying is the tail seemed to hit the ground first with the nose up. we don't know what happened, if this was some pilot error or if there's some type of malfunction with the plane but that's a critical piece of information, the tail hit ground first. why there weren't more fatalities the plane came all wait from seoul, south korea. it would not have had a lot of fuel on board, perhaps that minimized the explosion once the plane started barreling down the runway. we're still at the scene. we know the people who came to the terminal are free to go to home or hotels and figure out their travel arrangements if they're going to a different destin nation from san francisco. that's the latest we have here from the international terminal. back to you. >> and, dan, as we await for the investigators to get on the
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scene to piece together with their expertise what happened from a technical standpoint, talk to the pilot, look at safety records of the aircraft, piece the plane back together, from what you have been hearing from the first responders and the people who fled off that plane, especially those who walked away unscathed, what skr skr strikes you most from a chaotic scene to a well-run scene on the tarmac? >> reporter: i think we can say that the first responders did an incredible job, 225 first responders who came to the scene. the fact that you only had two fatalities when you look at that wreckage is just amazing. so the first responders really did a terrific job in terms of getting folks safely away from ta scene. obviously credit the crew as well, 16 members of the crew. i think, john, the thing that strikes me the most id just that, looking that the wreckage. you have to wonder how more people weren't either seriously hurt or killed when you look at
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that record. certainly amazing. >> hours late, every time you see it, it makes us stop. dan simon, fascinating reporting. more than 50 of the injured crash victims taken to san francisco general hospital, number one trauma center, five patients remain in critical condition, one survivor received minor injuries describing the moment of the crash. kyung lah joins us live from san francisco. the latest there? >> reporter: onjohn, the latest right over my shoulder. the hospital pio is briefing report reporters, she's gone up slightly in number of patients, being 53. split half and half between number of children as well as numbers of adults. seven patients, though have now been released. we actually got to speak with one of those patients who has just been released. he still had blood on the back of his shirt. you can see a cut on his ear.
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and he was talking to reporters explaining what it felt like at moment of impact. >> it like six flags show, right. >> tied up to your chair and again skipping on the run swai and i thought we'd go up for and start flying again, provide another landing but we went back down. fell like slow motion. i was still tight in my chair, unbuckled. the row was completely crushed on the chairs behind me. >> reporter: what he added was that he felt that there could have been many more people injured except there was no immediate fire when they did hit the ground. he feels very incredibly lucky. when asked whether or not he was afraid to fly anymore, he said he just can't go there. he's not going to be afraid to fly. he's going to try to move forward, onthis. he's in shock. a lot of patients leaving the hospital in a trickle, they
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certainly looked very dazed and very shocked. john? >> kyung lah on the scene at san francisco general. she'll continue her reporting. thank you very much. remarkable the gentleman saying it felt like a six flag ride. some of the most remarkable images and the aftermath of the crash from social media. what appears to be the passenger walking off the plane, some toting bags as smoke rises from the other side. i just crash landed at sfo, tail ripped off most everyone seems fine. i'm okay. surreal. crews dousing the fuselage with water and foam. anthony castorani who witnessed the landing saw the plane touch the ground, noticed a larger plume of smoke. hoe saw a large brief fireball that came from underneath the aircraft. timothy clark in a nearby hotel when he heard a large crashing sound from outside. quote, this is unnerving.
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we have a long flight home on monday. if you have video or pictures of the crash you can become a cnn ireport. up next, led investigations into the high profile plane crashes. what the former inspector general for the u.s. department of transportation thinks about this one, next. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin
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so what happen was when it was about to land, i guess it looked like the tires twisted a little bit and it rocked back, and the tail came off. when it rocked back a lot of the parts on the plane came off and all shattered everywhere on the runway. after it rock back, it rocked to the front. and then if my eyes it looked like the plane went on sudden break which made the plane spun around while the front of the plane just on the ground sliding through the runway. >> the witness there describing the ploemt of impact, a plane with 307 people on board, 291
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passenger, 16 crew members crash agent san francisco's international airport. two people confirmed dead. an anniemation. the plane come in nose up, tail hits before the runway, fuselage spends. there after that the fire began. passengers have said the fire did not begin immediately. that was the precious moments they had to escape and get off the flight through the emergency slide. plane coming in there, bm boom before hitting near the bay the formal part of the runway. investigators looking at debris, interviewing passengers and crew, looking at radar, trying to find out what caused the crash. what will investigators be looking for? the former inspector general, mary schiavo. when you see where the impact happened at the very edge of the runway, just over the bay, on the rocks, what's your very
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first question about what happened to the airplane? >> well, my first question is going to go back a few seconds before that because we have learned by looking at notice to airmen, no-tans, the instrument landing system was not operable and the visual approach slope indicator lights were out. if they were coming in and expecting any guidance and they were notified of this, it's public for everyone to see if they were expecting guidance or autopilot guidance it wouldn't work that way and they would have to do a visual approach. there are data on what your glide slope should be without the equipment but it might have been surprising. when you get down to that level and see there's a seawall, that is where they landing gear probably cut through the seawall. at that point, you know, the writing's on the wall, so to speak, they had to put the plane on the ground. where the wreckage is on the
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runway makes it look like think tried to throttle forward to give more power and try to rotate and take off again and that's where you got a tail strike. i think the lack of instrumentation, though it was notice to pilots, is going to play here. and also that seawall is going to figure into the accident sequence. >> we've heard from all accounts sometimes at the airport there can be dramatic weather. not on this day. when you say pilots coming in on manual, operating the aircraft you see some of this debris as we look at pictures here now, some of the plane in the water. obviously he came in too low, too soon but you can't answer the key why as to why. >> the key question as to why might be lying in the knack it was a beautiful day and he was cleared for a visual approach. on this runway with the instrument landing system out if you're used to flying -- and this is a common criticism of many ntsb investigations recently -- is that pilots are
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too dependent on the autopilot and here you're coming into a runway, if you're used to doing instrument fully instrument and fully autopilot land, and you're expecting the autopilot to adjust altitude and throttle back, you coming in fast, and you didn't have that and you had to do it completely manually, this has been a common criticism throughout ntsb investigations though you should be able to do a visual landing on a beautiful, clear day it's actually difficult because you're not used to it. >> when you have an international carrier, asiana, coming into the airport, what is your recollection of the protocols here in terms of what will the airline speak to its pilot and crew first? will the ntsb get easy access or could that be an issue? >> no, the ntsb will have easy access to them. the ntsb is supposed to be the ones to speak to them first, according to laws and regulations of the united states of america. in fact, the ntsb even if they were injured, which apparently
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they are oat o'kay, but there's a protocol they are not to speak to anyone until the ntsb comes to question them. now in this case, they have spoken to their airline, most likely, but we have very strict protocols in the united states that the ntsb is the first person, the first entities to question the pilots on the plane. >> and help us with how the investigation will go forward. when you look at this plane, it is remarkable. it is remarkable. quite sad that two people confirmed dead. but it's miraculous you don't have more than that. the black box, computed data, other evidence if you will from the investigation, from your looking at pictures in your expertise do you assume most, if not all is intact, salvageable? >> it is. there have been many crashes like this that i've had an opportunity to work on cases. and planes that look worse, one of the ones was the pierson, toronto pierson airport crash of air france, literally nothing left of the plane in except the
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wings and the tail. the black boxes are tough. one if you recall, survived the pennsylvania 9/11 crash in shanksville, pennsylvania pen and the intense fire. they will be intact. they have pilots to talk to which is something they don't often have. and the parameters, what's recorded on a data recorder on a 777, 253 parameters, everything the plane is doing mechanically is on this black box because the 777 has one of most advanced black boxes that there is. they will have all of the data of what was going on and have precise altitude throttle settings. and plus they have the radar tracings and they will know exactly where they were. and the heights at split second printouts. >> is that the preponderance of what they're looking for? the interview with passengers how much do they weigh?
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>> the great thing about the ntsb is they do more than just find out the mechanics of why this plane went down, what mistakes were made. they also are looking into survivability because so much improved in the last decade of how to make sure as many passengers as possible do survive. so they're looking into survivability factors, too. you know who initiated the exit? did the pilot, for example, there's a switch or a button in the cockpit that you push to initiate the emergency evacuation, was that timely pushed? who led the evacuation? did the slides all deploy? if not, why not? and what can they do because one of the life saving things that the ntsb does is make recommendations on survivability in addition to just what caused the plane to go down. so each and every time we have an accident, fewer and fewer people have to perish. >> it is of no comfort to the families of the two people confirmed dead, mary schiavo, within you look at pictures, the
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conversation we're having, let's hope the numbers do not go up, only two confirmed dead? >> yes. we have been fortunate. the american airlines crash in jamaica, three four years ago, everyone survived. the crash in toronto pierson, earn survived. london city, everyone survived. so it is getting to the point, and the statistics show more than half of people in crashes overall survive. so it's survivability thing now and it's wonderful condolences to the families of those lost but those who made it the ntsb's investigation will help those and more in the future. >> mary schiavo, appreciate your insights. boeing released a statement. the airline says boeing extends deepest condolences to family and friends who perished in the asiana airlines flight in san francisco as well as wishes recovery of the injured.
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they will provide technical assistance to the investigation. we'll continue to keep an eye on developmented in san francisco. another update from another place watching closely tonight, egypt. out there owning it. the ones getting involved and staying engaged. they're not afraid to question the path they're on. because the one question they never want to ask is "how did i end up here?" i started schwab for those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge.
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>> latest on another major story we're tracking tonight. sunday morning in egypt, confusion and uncertainty over
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who will be the country's new prime minister. reported mohammed elbaradei would be sworn in saturday but that never happened. now there's no final decision on who will get the job. supporters of the deposed president more morsi are keeping up pressure. a massive rally here. also marched around the guard barracks. both side as excusing the other of standing in the way of egypt's young democracy. ben wedeman with the details. >> reporter: it's a battle being played out in the streets. opposing demonstrations where the only common element is passionate conviction. >> we are the right and the one. you have know that and have the world know we're not a terrorist. we're not a terrorist. we're here to save tahrir square, protest against a terrorist regime. >> reporter: hatred for the
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muslim brotherhood runs deep amongst morsi's opponents as does anger at the united states for its perceived am believe lens over his ouster. >> wind up trying to get into tahrir square, using weapons, killing people. u.s. support to terrorism, what happens going on now we have peaceful protests for more than four days to oust the president, the factious president, the factious group of m.b. >> reporter: the passion mirrored on the other side. >> no one is going to tang our vote. >> a legitimate elections. the people have approved legitimacy. ease our legitimate president. how can he take this from us? >> he's our legal president. these are our people. also egyptians. >> reporter: huge numbers turned out over the last week demanding, then celebrating the ouster of mohamed morsi. but the powerful muslim
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brotherhood isn't taking it lying. >> for more than 80 years the muslim brotherhood struggled under regimes, members pursued, persecuted and imprisoned. for one year a taste of power and they've lost. but they're not about to go quietly into the night. both sides digging in, there seems little room for compromise. >> either heaven or to die here. >> reporter: for one morsi supporter the choice is stark. either democracy or taliban, he says. the message, either the ballot box or the bullet. ben wedeman, cnn, cairo. i'm john king in washington.
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top of the hour. 9:00 p.m. saturday in san francisco. tracking deadly breaking news. deadly plane crash at san francisco international airport. two people confirmed dead after asiana airlines flight 214 crashed on >> a south korean government official said that the two killed were chinese passport holders. 49 others are in serious conditions, the airliner was preparing to land when something, something went terribly wrong. parts of the plane shuttered and broke apart. white plumes rose up and there's a large gaping burned out hole in the pla in the plane. witnesses say the plane spun around. >> it looked normal at first. it was taking the same angle that they come in, like this and the wheels were down and then i hear


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